Early Childhood
Homeroom Teacher

Students age: 3-6

Qingyang District, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province

22k before tax

Aug 2024


Chengdu city Full-time Teaching Job
(Homeroom teacher for Kindergarten)

-Work visa
-Native speaker
-Bachelor degree or above
-TEFL/TESOL certificate
-above 3-5year International Kindergarten teaching experience 
Job details: 
-Location:Qimgyang district,Chengdu city
-Start date:Aug 2024
-Student age:3-6
-Work Schedule:8:00am-5:00pm 
   with 2.5 hours of break time between 12:00 pm to 2:30 pm (7-hour work day)
- Weekly days off:Saturday &Sunday

-Monthly Salary:22k before tax
-Health insurance
-House allowance

Chengdu is the city of pandas, it’s not called that, but they have a Panda reserve where they breed pandas every single year. Yes, you’ve understood correctly. There are baby pandas there to smush your little heart.

On a slightly more serious note – Chengdu has more than just pandas to offer. There are lots of things to do with Mount Qingcheng (just your standard palace on a mountain, no biggie), and the Du Fu cottage both drawing crowds.

A smallish city (by Chinese standards… huge by any other standards), this city is pretty affordable. In fact it’s home to quite a few expats who are drawn by the relaxed, sleepy vibe of the city, and (clearly) the pandas. The wages are good and the cost of living means English teachers can enjoy their life here.

