About Us
Age group:15-18
Shanghai City Full-time Teaching Job in Private School
(English teacher for High school)
-Work visa
-Native speaker
-Bachelor's degree
-TEFL/TESOL certificate
-Teaching experience
-Major in English or education
Job details:
-Start date:ASAP
-Age group:15-18
-Class size:20-30
-Weekly days off:2 days off on weekends
-Weekly teaching lessons:20
-Work schedule:8:00-12:00 am/13:30-17:30 pm
-Monthly salary:22-25k before tax
-Free working meals
-Summer holiday:6 weeks,8k/month
-Winter holiday:4 weeks,8k/month
-Contract completion bonus:30k
-Child Education Benefits
Who will love it: BIG CITY LOVERS. Seriously, this is your spirit-home. Also, people that are a bit nervous about teaching English in China. Population: 24 million (basically three New York cities) Language: Mandarin Chinese, Shanghainese Teaching English salary range: USD $1,200-4,500 per month Fun fact: It’s not a concrete jungle. There are 157 public parks in Shanghai! Types of ESL jobs: Everything, but especially teaching English to adults and Business English Obvious bonus: It’s the world’s biggest city. It has…all the things! |
If you’re nervous about teaching abroad in China, then this might be the place for you. This is a home away from home for expats, you won’t be short of foreign friends and there’s a large English speaking community (actually there’s a number of them!). You won’t just be hanging with your fellow TEFL heads as there are lots of business type expats too. So it’s a bit more mixed than some teach abroad opportunities. There’s also many of your home comforts and foods and it’s a truly international hub. ♂️
As it’s such a big city there are a lot of opportunities for teachers when it comes to teaching adults or business English. There are public and private school positions too, but there’s definitely more on the business end of things. It’s worth noting that the cost of living is higher, but then again, the wages are also higher.