High School
Maths Teacher

Students age: 15-18

Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province

25-30k after tax

Start date:Asap


Nanjing City Jiangsu Province Full-time Teaching Job in Private school
 (ESL 1 for Primary school,Maths 1 teacher for High school)
-Work visa 
-Native speaker 
-Bachelor's degree
-TEFL/TESOL certificate 
-Teaching experience  
Job details:
-Location:Nanjing City Jiangsu Province 
-Start date:Asap
-Course:A-level/primary teaching 
-Age group:7-12 or 15-18 
-Class size:20                       
-Weekly days off:2 days off on weekends 
-Weekly teaching hours:25
-Workschedule:7:40-11:30AM 1:30-5:30PM (flexible)
-Monthly salary:25-30k after tax(including house allowance) 
-Summer holiday:6 weeks, paid
-Winter holiday:20 days, full paid 
-Insurance: Commercial Medical Insurance

City Guide: Best of the Rest

Tier 1 teaching destinations in China may enjoy all the hype and fame yet for every job offered in major Chinese cities, there are countless others fewer foreigners consider. For a multitude of exceptional reasons, these may well be considered the best teaching positions of all. The Best of the Rest, if you will! That’s because teaching and living in a Tier 2/3 city can be more enjoyable, more relaxing, less stressful, and even more profitable than in any megacity. If that’s your thang, that is. What’s more, given that jobs offered in ‘minor’ cities see fewer applicants, it means they can offer a priceless for in the ‘Chinese-teaching door’ if you’re just starting and don’t have much experience under your belt.

Smaller, more laid-back, friendlier, and, in many ways more rewarding and authentic, our Best of the Rest teaching destinations offer a unique experience to ESL teachers. Here, away from impressive ex-pat crowds and touristed centers, you’ll find the real China, the one many people never get to see. You’ll stand out more in a more remote location – although the term ‘remote’ is relative – will enjoy superior privilege among your peers and, although you may be paid less than in cities like Beijing and Shanghai, you will also have much lower living costs, allowing you to save even more than you otherwise would. Salaries may only be 20% lower but living costs could easily be 50% lower and there’s your saving gap exponentially increase. Living as a TEFL professional in China, more savings usually means more luxuries, more fun, and much, much more travel!

Nanjing – With its wonderful lake, glorious palace and welcoming atmosphere, Nanjing is one of the most delightful places you could choose. This is a hub for weekenders from Shanghai – teachers who need a little escape from the hectic city pace head here to unwind – so how good would it be to live here full-time? With an abundance of outdoor pursuits, better air quality and more immersive Chinese life, Nanjing is the bees’ knees of ESL teaching.
