Early childhood
Homeroom teacher

Age group:2-6

Hainan province 

25k-27k before tax

August 2024


Kindergarten foreign teachers:
-Native or non-native language: native English speaker
-Skin colour: White
-Age requirement: under 40 years old
-Visa Requirements: Work Permit
-Education requirement: Bachelor degree or above
-Numbers required: 1-3
-Current number of foreign teachers: 18
-Arrival date: August 2024
-Work experience: Relevant qualifications, 2 years of relevant work experience.
-Teaching Subject: English
-Working hours (sitting/following or not): 8am-5pm
-Age group: 2-6 years old
-Class size: more than ten
-Summer and winter holidays and salary: according to the school calendar of the Ministry of Education of Hainan, the summer and winter holidays are fully paid.
-Number of national holidays: according to the school calendar
-Weekend: double holidays
-Accommodation/lodging subsidy amount: Teacher's apartment is provided (if not living in the dormitory, 1500 subsidy per month)
-Provision of working meal: RMB 50 per day
-Type of insurance: commercial insurance
-Month Salary range (before tax): 25k-27k before tax
-Other benefits (air ticket subsidy/year-end bonus): 7,500 RMB transport allowance per semester, year-end bonus 

Sanya is superior in geography climate and natural resources. It is known as " the oriental Hawaii" and " Sunshine City" because of its special tropical scenes as well as its attractive nature. Sanya's tourist resources, richly endowed by nature, are not only special in China, but also rare in the world. It is a most fashionable place where tropical marine tourist resources are closely concentrated and lovers of swimming can enjoy their holidays in winter. Within the city, well-known tourist spots are dotted everywhere--the national Yalong Tourist Area, the Tianyahaijia, the Great Eastern Sea, the Luhuitou Peninsula, Sanya Bay and the Luobi Grotto. Besides these, there remain the ancient Yazhou City and relics and a sculpture of the Monk Jianzhen of the Tang Dynasty, who landed ashore to avoid the storm when he was sailing eastwards to Japan. Now the Buddhist Cultural Sightseeing spot has been partly completed and opened to the public. The Nation Hot Springs area is now under construction. It is rare that a city can concentrate all such resources: sunshine, seawater, beaches, climate, forest, animals, hot springs, grottos, customs and countryside. According to statistics, the average per capita life span of Sanya people has risen to 74.5 year old, the highest in China.
