About Us
Students' age:2.5-6
Jinzhou District, Dalian City
May 2023
Jinzhou District Dalian city Full-time Teaching Job
(English teacher for kindergarten)
- Work visa
- Native speaker
-BA or above
- At least one-year teaching experience in Kindergarten
Job details:
- Location: Jinzhou District Dalian City, LiaoningProvince
- Start date: May 2023
- Course: English
- Students' age:2.5-6
- Students' number:
- Duration: 40Minutes
- Work Schedule: 8:00-5:30
-Teaching hours:<20 hours
-Weekly days off: Saturday &Sunday
- Monthly Salary: 20K-25K after tax
- Airfare Bonus
- Insurance: Commercial health insurance.
- Public Holiday: Paid Chinese public holidays off.
- Other benefits: Holiday benefits+ professional training + Free Chinese lessons provided
The hub of the Liaodong Peninsula in north-eastern China, Dalian is the springboard to South Korean adventures and a wonderful seaside location that’s just lovely in summer (but brutally cold in winter thanks to the Siberian winds making their way across). Dalian may be one of China’s 10 largest cities but still has a small-town feel with close-knit community of expats and locals alike, so it always gets top marks for ‘lifestyle, comfort and community’ feel from ESL teachers.