Elementary school
EAL teacher

Students’ age: 7-12

Weihai city Shandong province


August 2024


Weihai city Shandong province Full-time Teaching Job
(EAL teacher for International Primary school)
- Work visa
- Native speaker
- TEFL/TESOL certificate
- PGCE certificate
- Related experience 
Job details: 
- Location: Weihai city Shandong province
- Start date: August 2024
- Course: ELA
- Current FTs: 4
- Students’ age: 7-12
- Students’ number: 22
- Work Schedule:  Monday-Friday 8:00am-17:00pm
-Teaching hour: 20
- Duration: 45min
- Weekly days off: Saturday& Sunday
- Salary: 20-25K/month(negotiable after the interview)
- Housing Subsidy or Apt:afford house or 3K
- Ticket subsidy:8-10k
- International Insurance
- Free lunch
- Free of tuition for two children
- Summer Vacation:6 weeks/fully paid
- Winter Vacation:4 weeks/fully paid

Shandong Weihai, A Garden-like City by the Sea

Shandong Weihai is reputed as the most livable city and has been awarded as the first National Sanitary City in China and among the first group of National Model Cities for Environmental Protection.

This land of sunshine boasts the title of “National Forest City,” and is located at the eastern end of the Shandong Peninsula, surrounded by three sides of water offering 600 miles of coastline, beautiful beaches, bays, numerous harbors, islands and hot springs as well as mountains.

In Shandong Weihai, there are more than 80 scenic spots, 6 of which are national 4A-class tourism spots, namely, Liugong Island, Chengshan cape, Chishan Fahua Buddhist Temple, Silver Beach, Darushan and Tianmu Hot Spring.

Shandong Weihai also has an abundance of folk custom and international festivals. Rongcheng International Fisherman Festival exhibits the fishing culture and customs of fishermen.

Local Delicacies

With a long history, Weihai cuisine is a component part of Jiaodong cuisine, a branch of Shandong cuisine. Weihai is well known for meticulously prepared seafood dishes. Local cooks are particular about skills in the use of the kitchen knife, the shape of dishes, duration and degree of cooking and the taste. Local dishes are fresh, crisp and tender, with a light taste and original soup. The representative local dishes include Soy Sauce Sea Cucumbers, Hand-braised Prawns, Lotus Scallops, Soy Sauce Conchs, Crabs with Ginger Juice, Steamed Jiajie Fish, Friend Longevity Vegetables and Weihai Soup.

Shandong Weihai Attractions

Weihai is a seaside town that has the longest coastline in China and has been honored as “the most comfortable city to live in the world". Once you have experienced the natural beauty of this peninsula, it is easy to know why.
