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Ministry of Education: China has built the largest vocational education system in the world
2022-05-24 11:51:17

On May 24, the Ministry of Education held the third "education decade" and "1 + 1" series of press conferences online to introduce the achievements of China's vocational education reform and development since the 18th CPC National Congress. Surging news learned from the meeting that at present, China has built the largest vocational education system in the world.

Chen Ziji, director of the Department of vocational education and adult education of the Ministry of education, said at the meeting, "Over the past 10 years, we have consistently guided and encouraged vocational colleges to take social training and technical services as one of the important contents of running schools, promoted the implementation of the legal responsibility of" developing academic education and training at the same time ", improved the modern vocational education system with equal emphasis on academic education and training, and continuously increased the supply of technical and skilled talents. In response to the call of the state, higher vocational colleges have expanded the enrollment of 4.133 million people in three years, and kicked out the" six stability "and" six guarantees "while effectively serving the" six stability "and" six guarantees " The "one foot at the door" of the popularization of higher education in China. "

According to Chen Ziji, at present, China has built the largest vocational education system in the world. In 2021, higher vocational schools enrolled 5.57 million students, equivalent to 1.8 times that of a decade ago; Secondary vocational schools (excluding technical schools) enrolled 4.89 million people, and the enrollment scale stabilized and rebounded. Secondary and higher vocational schools cultivate about 10 million high-quality technical and skilled talents every year, providing a steady stream of technical and skilled talents for economic and social development. At the same time, the state has successively issued the action plan for improving vocational skills (2019-2021), the action plan for vocational colleges to comprehensively carry out vocational training and promote employment and entrepreneurship, and launched the pilot of "1 + X" certificate system. At present, more than 10000 vocational schools in China carry out hundreds of millions of various trainings every year. Among the higher vocational colleges that carry out new vocational farmer training services, 141 schools have an annual training volume of more than 5000 people / day and 86 schools have an annual training volume of more than 10000 people / day. The training ability of vocational schools has been continuously enhanced, and the school running pattern of vocational education with equal emphasis on academic education and training has basically taken shape.

At the same time, vocational education serves the whole people's lifelong learning, and the form of running schools is more flexible. Over the past 10 years, vocational education has been endowed with digital capabilities, continuously expanding the space for running schools, supporting learning before employment, employment before learning, and learning while working, actively connecting with continuing education and general education, and actively building a learning society in which "everyone can learn, learn everywhere and learn from time to time". The central government has supported the construction of a national professional teaching resource bank for vocational education for 10 consecutive years. On this basis, the "national vocational education smart education platform" was officially launched in March this year, covering 19 major categories and 396 Higher Vocational Majors, bringing together more than 660 professional teaching resource libraries, more than 1000 online high-quality courses and more than 2000 open video courses, as well as more than 4.2 million granular resources such as video, pictures and documents, so as to provide sufficient digital resources for all people's learning. At the same time, continuing education has continuously improved the resource supply and service mechanism. A total of 1891 colleges and universities across the country have held continuing education for academic qualifications, accounting for 46.8% of the number of students in Colleges and universities in higher education, which has effectively improved the length of education and quality of the people; Vigorously promote the construction of community education and elderly education, determine 129 national community education experimental areas and 120 demonstration areas, and build 30 open universities and specialized institutions for elderly education.

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