International Understanding Education

Disseminate and master the geographical, economic,

cultural and political knowledge of various countries

Candidates should arrive at the registration place of the college entrance examination 14 days ago
2022-05-24 11:55:09

The 2022 college entrance examination is coming. According to the relevant requirements of the Ministry of education and the National Health Commission on the epidemic prevention of the college entrance examination, all localities have successively released the precautions for participating in the college entrance examination to the 2022 college entrance examination candidates. Here, the Ministry of education once again reminds all candidates, especially those who are still stranded in other provinces, to report their health status, relevant return arrangements and other information to the local examination institutions in time, return to the provinces (regions and cities) where the examination sites are located 14 days in advance, fully understand and strictly abide by the examination and epidemic prevention requirements where the examination sites are located, do a good job in local health monitoring for 14 consecutive days before the examination, and reduce unnecessary gathering and cross regional mobility Do not go to places with large population mobility, and do not go to areas with medium and high risk levels.

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