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Scientific, accurate and dynamic zeroing to do a good job in the current epidemic prevention and control of the education system
2022-05-24 11:55:51

Scientific, accurate and dynamic on May 19, the Ministry of Education held the 7th National Video dispatching meeting on epidemic prevention and control of the education system in 2022, deeply implemented the spirit of the meeting of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and the spirit of the teleconference of the joint prevention and control mechanism of the State Council, implemented the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, exchanged epidemic prevention and control practices of local and universities, and made arrangements to pay close attention to the current epidemic prevention and control of the education system.


The meeting made arrangements for the current epidemic prevention and control work of the education system. First, we should earnestly shoulder the political responsibility for epidemic prevention and control. Schools around the country should adhere to the general strategy of "external defense input and internal defense rebound" and the general policy of "dynamic zeroing", and pay close attention to the epidemic prevention and control of the education system. Second, we should dynamically understand the changes in the needs of teachers and students, timely inform the majority of teachers and students, explain the epidemic prevention and control policies, and encourage and guide teachers and students to fight the epidemic together. Third, we should implement various measures for the prevention and control of the epidemic situation. Improve the epidemic prevention and control mechanism, effectively strengthen joint prevention and control, and actively integrate into the territory. Strengthen the epidemic prevention and control of key places, key populations and key links in the school. Do a good job in the protection of epidemic prevention materials, living materials, storage of isolation places and vaccination. Improve the emergency plan, consolidate various guarantees, and ensure that the emergency plan can be started in time. Build a perfect online teaching and living security system for teachers and students. Fourth, we should effectively optimize campus and student services. Attach great importance to graduates' Graduation defense, employment and contract signing, and provide graduates with support and help within their capabilities. Make full use of the national public service platform for wisdom education to strengthen mental health education and assistance services for teachers and students.


Professor Liang Wannian, head of the expert group of the leading group for epidemic response and disposal of the National Health Commission, made a special report. Heads of Jiangsu Provincial Department of education, Peking University, Jilin University and Shanghai University of Finance and economics made exchange speeches. The Ministry of education shall deploy the persons in charge of the university group and the school stability group directly under the COVID-19 work leading group. The heads of the special working groups of the leading group of the Ministry of education on COVID-19, the heads of the provincial education administrative departments, the colleges and universities directly under the Ministry of education, and the colleges and universities jointly built by the Ministry and the province attended the meeting in the main venue and the sub venue respectively. Clear zero and do a good job in the current epidemic prevention and control of the education system

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